Taurus Rising Ascendent

Ruler Planet – Venus (Luxury)

Diety – Goddess Lakshmi (wealth)

Nature – Soft , Lazy , Stubborn ,Hardworking ,Caring loving

Animal – Ox

Taurus Rising Diety Goddess Lakshmi
Taurus Rising Diety Goddess Lakshmi

Taurus sign falls in second house which deals with following keywords

  • family
  • Resources
  • Money
  • Food
  • Face

These people since ruled by the planet Venus are good looking .Initially They tend to attract people because of their good looks. They tend to be very much into cooking as taurus is also the house of food and resources . so these people like to experiment with food .

Taurus Rising And their love for Food
Taurus Rising And their love for Food
  • These people are very caring and loving .They love to take care of things and sometime it puts them in difficult situation . They love being comfy and does not want to be bothered much when they want their lonely time . They are very hard working by nature as ox is naturally very hard working . They may sometime want to argue unnecessarily as the other sign of Venus falls in 6th house of fights .
  • They might not be very satisfied with their family . As the sign of gemini falls in their second house . They will tend to have people in their family who are very talktative. or having two faces .
  • They are very emotional towards their siblings especially younger one and take care of them as a mother .
  • They have sign of Leo in 4th house which means hey are very authoritative at home or at least want to be . their creativity gets blossom when they are at home or when they are in their own space . They like to decorate their house and show their skins their .
  • They will be very critical of their children . Their children will in turn be very disciplined and very focused . whenever these people get sick they don’t complain or don’t tell anyone . They try to cure themselves on their own . They sometime get high position only after fighting someone or only after getting out of major sickness
  • Sign of relationship Libra falls in their 6th house .Thus they have indebted karma towards their spouse or in relationships . Their will always be frequent fights and arguments no doubt but these people will know the importance of relationships .
  • Their relationships might bring them court cases or major sickness
  • When it comes to relationships it will be most of the time hidden .Whenever these people will get married they will see a major transformation in their life . Also they might inherit property or money but depends where the lord of 7th house is placed
  • They may be scared of heights . They may not have good relationships with father . Again this depends on the planet and the lord of that house . If the house lord is exalted or placed in good houses then their relationship with father may be good . They don’t like to travel for luxury .
  • Whenever they travel or get a chance to travel it will be only for work . General they will travel only when it is required professionally
  • Their profession is somewhere where they have to deal with many people .Like film shoots , restaurant , Public dealings
  • The sign of losses falls in their house of gains . So to have gains in life a secret is to they need to keep spending .Or they might see good gains whenever it rains .
  • These people will love to spend on themselves and their personality .

Good Planets For Tuarus Ascendent

Sun being low malefic and mercury being normal we have the natural malefic planet Saturn which gives fortune and good luck to Taurus asc people .

Bad Planets For Taurus Asc

  • Mars , Jupiter and Venus becomes malefic for Taurus as they rule 6, 8 and 12 houses . So reading too much of books and disrespecting religions or making some spiritual person angry will cost them too much problem
  • To escape from misery these people should donate yellow things like banana , yellow dal to needy and poor people or in temples or religious places


  • To attract love and money they should always wear perfume and good cloths with branding .
  • Developing an art talent will activate their Venus as Venus is ruler of art
  • Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi will be beneficial

These people are natural resources and are lucky for other ppl who wants to grow business . Generally they bring luck and luxury to their spouses and families

Happy Navratri

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