D10 Dashamsha Prediction For proefssion and career – VP goel sir

The most important planet is the planet in whose transit you were born

To check that you can use any simple astrology software and see yeh Vimshottari dasha lord

If you were born in the transit / dasha of sun then Sun becomes most important planet to check your career profession in D10

Check the placement of sun in your D10

Check if it is placed in. Bad house 6,8,12 or good house .

Check if any negative or enemy planet is aspecting the planet if yes then it’s understood that the person will have to do something which they are not interested in

If their is no negative influence on lagna or lagna lord then the person will do what they want to do

Of any beneficial aspect falls on both like Venus (luxury) or Jupiter (wealth and support) then also it’s positive and the person will either have no need to work or will get everything easily

Malefic aspects will give struggle and issues and frustration

Royal planet like sun and moon will make the individual do things on their own terms